Category Archives: Charitable Solicitation State Registration

Accuracy and Honesty Matters in State Charity Registration

Recently a Georgia based nonprofit fundraising in Tennessee was fined $45,000 in civil penalties. The following article from the Tennessee Attorney General, published on December 23, 2014, tells the story: A Civil Penalty Imposed Against Charitable Organization Over Misleading Fundraising A civil penalty of $45,000 has been imposed against NSPIRE Outreach, a Georgia-based organization also

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Florida Charity Registration Legislation Adds New Requirments

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs have recently been giving charity registration and professional fundraisers a lot of attention. Florida has the dubious honor of being home to 11 of the top 50 WORST charities according to the Center for Investigative Reporting; The new legislation aims to “prevent the misuse of Floridians’

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Charity Registration VS Charity De-registration: Recipe for Success

Recently Clearly Compliant has had a string of clients and potential clients seeking assistance to “de-register” in specific states. It made me think of a saying I heard all too frequently from my Mom, “Sarah, your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” My Mom was an amazing cook who could turn mud into Mississippi Mud

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Tennessee Charity Registration Update: Reduction in Fees!

Great news from the great state of Tennessee regarding charity registration!  Effective July 1, 2014 charity registration fees for renewing organizations have been reduced by 20%.  You may recall that TN bases its fees on a nonprofit’s gross revenues and has a sliding fee schedule.  The old fee schedule started at $100 per year and capped

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