Tag Archives: state registration for fundraising.

Tennessee Charity Registration Update: Reduction in Fees!

Great news from the great state of Tennessee regarding charity registration!  Effective July 1, 2014 charity registration fees for renewing organizations have been reduced by 20%.  You may recall that TN bases its fees on a nonprofit’s gross revenues and has a sliding fee schedule.  The old fee schedule started at $100 per year and capped

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California Charity Registration, Again!

California is in the process of adding teeth and money – $1.4 million special fund – to charity registration enforcement.  According to the Center for Investigative Reporting: State law requires charities that fundraise in the state to register with the attorney general. The Department of Justice estimates that there are 52,000 delinquent charities in California and at

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California Here We Come – CA Charity Registration

California, here we come…..just a note to folks outside California in the nonprofit world attempting to register in California for charitable solicitation. As many know, CA is facing serious budget shortfalls. This can impact your nonprofit’s ability to get registered to fundraise in CA, especially if you are in a hurry. CA is complicated; do

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True Story: Nonprofit fined $4,000 for $68 Dollar Donation

True Story: I found this article from Hearbeat International, On The Leader Board, Issue 1, Volumn 1, to be direct and clear on the need for nonprofit organizations to seek advice regarding state chartiable solicitation registration requirements: http://www.heartbeatservices.org/charitable-solicitation And they say it best, “True Recommendation: As a leader and board member, you have been entrusted with

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