August is Charity Registration Month in Alaska!
Don’t forget to renew your Alaska charity registration statement in the month of August!
You can find the renewal forms required at
The deadline to register as a charitable organization is September 1 of each year. If you are renewing, just submit your registration form and the appropriate filing fee. Although Alaska does not charge a late fee for registrations received after September 1, the charitable organization will not be registered to solicit in Alaska until the proper registration forms have been submitted and approved. Charitable organizations cannot solicit until their registration process with the Department of Law is complete.
What is a Charitable Organization?
A charitable organization, in Alaska, is defined as a nonprofit organization that is operated for the relief of poverty, distress, or other condition of public concern in the state. It can also be categorized as a charitable organization if the Internal Revenue Service determines it to be a tax exempt organization under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) (Internal Revenue Code).
Charitable organizations that solicit money or property in Alaska must comply with the Alaska Charitable Solicitations Act and Alaska Charitable Solicitation Regulations. Any organization that registers or intends to register in Alaska should thoroughly review and understand Alaska statutes and regulations pertaining to charitable organizations registrations and solicitations. An organization that does not register with the Alaska Department of Law before soliciting is vulnerable to civil penalties under the Alaska Consumer Protect Act (AS 45.50.471 – AS 45.50.561).
You can search to verify that a charitable organization or paid solicitor is registered with the Department of Law. Registration in Alaska does not constitute approval or endorsement of an organization by the Department of Law or the State of Alaska.