Hawaii Charity Registration – Surfs Up!
Hawaii Charity Registration
Wouldn’t you rather be in Hawaii than completing a Hawaii charity registration filing? There is a lot about Hawaii’s charity registration process that is “swell” – but warning – there are troubled waters, too.
Hawaii Charity Registration Exemptions
Hawaii accepts online filings only. If your organization is eligible for an exemption (raising less than $25K annually, religious organization, educational institution or foundation, membership organization, nonprofit hospital or foundation, or created by an act of congress), the exemption request it is a super simple online process and can be completed on the Hawaii Charities website https://ag.ehawaii.gov/charity/welcome.html. The friendly folks with the Hawaii Tax and Charities Division get back with an approval notice or reason for denial of exemption request within a day or two.
Hawaii Charity Registration, Renewals, and Warnings!
For other nonprofits fundraising in Hawaii, initial charity registrations and renewals are completed using the Form 990 Online site, https://efile.form990.org/default.asp. Completing the online filing is not difficult. However, WARNING, there is no fee for the initial registration, but be prepared for the sliding fee scale used for charity renewals running from $10 to $600. Second WARNING – unlike other states where the filing fee can be paid at the time of the filing, Hawaii sends an invoice via email. The registered nonprofit has 15 days to pay or the fine is $20 PER DAY. Don’t get caught in this rip-tide! These fines can add up quickly.
Would love to hear your experience with Hawaii charity registration or about your most recent vacation to Hawaii! A hui hou!