Category Archives: State charity registration laws

Arkansas Charity Registration Changes

AR Charity Registration Changes Take Effect 01/01/18   There is a lot happening with Arkansas (AR) charity registration this month when it comes to compliance!  On January 1, 2018 all charities that solicit donations in AR must make the switch from registering with the Attorney General to registering with the Secretary of State.  Additionally, the

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OHIO ORGANIZATION CHARGED WITH FAILING TO PROPERLY REGISTER & MORE   Why do states require charity registration prior to charitable solicitation? There are many good reasons for state charity registration to include informing donors, accountability, and transparency.  Another reason?  To catch unscrupulous and dishonest people hiding behind the screen of good works and charity.  Read

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Hawaii Charity Registration – Surfs Up!

Hawaii Charity Registration Wouldn’t you rather be in Hawaii than completing a Hawaii charity registration filing?  There is a lot about Hawaii’s charity registration process that is “swell” – but warning – there are troubled waters, too. Hawaii Charity Registration Exemptions Hawaii accepts online filings only.  If your organization is eligible for an exemption (raising

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