Category Archives: IRS Form 990

Tis the Season – IRS Form 990 News

‘Tis the Season (May 15 will soon be here) for non-profits to file their IRS Form 990. With the May 15 deadline looming it may have been easy to have missed some recent 990 news … and there has been plenty. New York Rulings On February 15 the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals issued

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Louisiana Charity Registration Renewal Date is Looming!

The state of Louisiana is one of only a few states to have a fixed annual registration renewal date and they have selected October 1st of each year.  In LA the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Justice, is responsible for charitable organization and professional solicitation registration requirements. Charitable organizations must file the Unified

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CA Requires IRS Form 990 – Unredacted Schedule B

As many nonprofits are aware, California is one of two states requiring the filing of the IRS Form 990 unredacted Schedule B at the time of charity registration and renewal required to be eligible to solicit funds in California.  In early May, the 9th Circuit denied the Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) an injunction that would have restricted the California Attorney General’s office from making the fully complete Schedule B a filing requirement.

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